# Publication name 'Vegetation cover and configuration drive reptile species distributions in a fragmented landscape' # Authors Mulhall, S. J.*, Sitters, H., Di Stefano, J. * Corresponding author. Email - sarah.mulhall@unimelb.edu.au # Address School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, University of Melbourne, 4 Water Street, Creswick, VIC 3363, Australia # Project Description The aim of this study was to model the distributions of 40 reptile species in Victoria, Australia and examine the relative influence of biophysical and landscape structure variables. # General Information This folder contains all input files used to model the species distributions using MaxEnt (Elith et al. 2011). Methods used to generate the input files and perform modelling are outlined in the methods section of the abovementioned publication. # List of files in this folder: * VBA_Fauna25_Reptiles_2005_SpeciesLevelRecords_xy_updated_Oct2020.csv * Annual Mean Temp.tif * Annual Precipitation.tif * Max Temp of Warmest Month.tif * Min Temp of Coldest Month.tif * Soil Texture.tif * enn_mn.tif * shape_am.tif * contag.tif * shdi.tif * Native Vegetation Cover.tif * Vic_outline_minus250.tif * background_v6.csv # Metadata # Reptile species occurrence records * File name - VBA_Fauna25_Reptiles_2005_SpeciesLevelRecords_xy_updated_Oct2020.csv * Reptile species occurrence records obtained from Victorian Biodiversity Atlas (2005-2017) - https://vba.dse.vic.gov.au/vba/#/ * State Government of Victoria. Victorian Biodiversity Atlas fauna records (unrestricted) for sites with high spatial accuracy. Available at https://services.land.vic.gov.au/SpatialDatamart/ * Original dataset has been edited to only include records in scope of the study. # Bioclimatic datasets * File names - Annual Mean Temp.tif , Annual Precipitation.tif , Max Temp of Warmest Month.tif , Min Temp of Coldest Month.tif * Files obtained from the WorldClim (https://worldclim.org/) version 2 database, at a spatial resolution of ~1 km2 * Files have been clipped to southeastern Australia * Cell size - 250 x 250 * Annual Mean Temp.tif - Annual mean temperature (Bio01) * Annual Precipitation.tif - Annual precipitation (Bio12) * Max Temp of Warmest Month.tif - Maximum temperature of warmest month (Bio05) * Min Temp of Coldest Month.tif - Maximum temperature of coldest month (Bio06) Citation - Fick, S.E. and Hijmans, R.J. (2017), WorldClim 2: new 1-km spatial resolution climate surfaces for global land areas. Int. J. Climatol, 37: 4302-4315. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.5086 # Soil texture data * File name - Soil Texture.tif * Files obtained from Agriculture Victoria (Department of Jobs, Precincts and Resources) # Landscape structure datasets * File names - contag.tif , enn_mn.tif , shape_am.tif , shdi.tif, Native Vegetation Cover.tif * Map of land cover types for Victoria obtained DataVic website. * Cell size - 250 x 250 * The original layer included 15 land cover classes. These were reclassified into five classes - cropping, grazing pasture, native vegetation, plantation forests and other. * FRAGSTATS (v4.2, McGarigal et al 2012) was used to perform moving window analysis on the edited file to calculate 5 landscape structure metrics - Contagion Index, Euclidean Nearest Neighbour (mean), Native Vegetation Cover, Shape Index (arithmetic mean) and Shannon’s Diversity Index * contag.tif - Contagion Index * enn_mn.tif - Euclidean Nearest Neighbour * shape_am.tif - Shape Index * shdi.tif - Shannon's Diversity Index * Native Vegetation Cover.tif - Native Vegetation Cover # Background points * File name - background_v6.csv # Victoria State outline * File name - Vic_outline_minus250.tif *Coordinate system - GDA_1994_VICGRID94 * Cell size - 250 x 250